
个人学习 16 0

2月开学的唯美句子英语 第1篇

4. Life is full of challenges and challenges are full of opportunities to learn… Never get scared from challenges and always welcome the chances to learn new things in life in order to grow and prosper… Wishing you all the very best in this new academic year.

2月开学的唯美句子英语 第2篇

5. Success and failure are a part of life…. Never surrender to failures but keep working hard… another academic year is all set to begin a new chapter… work harder, focus stronger and you will be able to accomplish the impossible…. Best wishes to you on this new beginning.

2月开学的唯美句子英语 第3篇

2. Always keep your beginning focused, optimistic and full of dedication… Another fresh year at school is a chance to begin your life fresh, with new goals and new challenges… Best of luck to you and I am sure you will make proud and happy!!!
